Dalija Prasnikar / Neven Prasnikar Sr. / Neven Prasnikar Jr. / Rene Prasnikar / Sandra Prasnikar

Neven Prasnikar Jr. (aka Dalo Lorn)

ePix izdanja / ePix Editions

ePix izdanja / ePix Editions

Kratka video prezentacija prikazuje osnovnu funkcionalnost mobilne aplikacije dostupne za Android i iOS uređaje, na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku. Prikazano je izdanje o Nacionalnom parku Brijuni. U pripremi su i nova izdanja posvećena drugim nacionalnim parkovima i ostalim zanimljivim prirodnim, kulturnim i turističkim središtima.


Short video presentation featuring ePix Editions mobile app for Android and iOS mobile phones and tablets. Video is dedicated to Brijuni National Park edition. Several other editions are already available for download and we're working new ones that will be added to the library in the coming months. You'll see more national parks, museums and tourist locations before the end of the year.

Oglašavanje / Advertising

Uvodimo novi način oglašavanja u aplikacijama. Kad kažemo "novi", stvarno mislimo novi! Toliko nov da informacije ne želimo dijeliti s anonimnim posjetiteljima ove stranice. Jedino možemo reči da je ovaj oblik oglašavanjea trenutno dostupan isključivo u paketu uz zakup oglasnog prostora u našim brošurama. Gornji video poslužit će kao svojevrstan teaser.


We're introducing a new advertising options for applications. When we say "new", we mean new! New enough that we're not willing to share more information with anonymous website visitors. Only thing that we can say is that the ePix Editions ad space is currently available only to our brochure sponsors. Short video above may shed some light... or not :)


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Neven Prasnikar Sr.


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